Bomis News-ppgi coil from big manufacturer in China



Galvanized steel strip usually refers to steel strip that has been treated with zinc, also known as galvanized steel strip or galvanized thin steel sheet. Galvanizing is a method of coating a layer of zinc on the surface of metal to prevent corrosion. It is widely used in many fields such as construction, automobiles, home appliances, packaging, etc. to improve the corrosion resistance and service life of materials.


There is high demand of Wrinkle PPGI and Matte Finish PPGI coil in Africa and south amercia market , it was usd as high quality building . its a differnt surface of the Pre-painted Galvanized orcolor coated galvalume coil with Wrinkle and Matte finish. its also with funtion of anti corrossion and durability and long use - life,


BOMIS galvanized coil with thickness of 0.1-3.0mm , zinc coating 20-275g ,harndness can be full hard or soft ,it can be hrb 60-90 ,G300/G350/G550


Besides building material usage , like roof tile ,ceiling grid ,calamina, door , panel, it also can be used in refrigerators, washing machines, switch cabinets, instrument cabinets, air conditioners, microwave ovens, bread machines ,Furniture radiators, lampshades, bookshelves ,Transportation of automobile and train exteriors, partitions, containers, and partition boards ,writing boards, trash cans, billboards, timers, typewriters, dashboards, weight sensors, and photographic equipment.


Pre painted PPGI PPGL coil with wide usage , like roofing sheet ,ceiling grid ,calamina ,tejas of House construction workshops, warehouses, corrugated roofs and wall panel , rainwater, drainage pipes, rolling doors , telhas


Decorative Wall panels panel size from 3800/4000*380*16mm/30mm/40mm/50mm, Surface Textures and Appearance can be Coarse brick veins;Wide or narrow brick veins;Standard brick veins;Standard brick veins;Bark veins;Stone veins;Plain veins
